OCPL introduces Cookbook Book Club

Do you love browsing through cookbooks and trying new recipes or cooking techniques? Do you enjoy sampling and sharing new dishes? Well, the Westminster Library introduces a brand new Cookbook Book Club. You don’t have to be a gourmet chef to participate in the cookbook book club. This is the perfect opportunity for novices to challenge themselves and learn from more experienced cooks, and for experienced cooks to show off and share their amazing skills. “Every other month, a cookbook will be selected and put on display at the main circulation desk at the Westminster Library. You pick a recipe that piques your taste buds. A post-it note will be used to mark the recipe in order to keep track of who is making what and to keep members from choosing the same dish. Before you leave, a member of the library staff will make a copy of your recipe for you to take home. Prepare your recipe and then bring it to the meeting to share with other participants,” said Oconee County Public Library Branch Services Librarian Blair Hinson. At the first meeting, recipes from Betty Crocker Outdoor Food are to be shared. For more information, call the Westminster Library at 864-364-5760.