OCPL moves to Web Home

The Oconee County Public Library has a new home on the World Wide Web. The new address for the Oconee County Public Library is www.oconeelibrary.org. Oconee County Branch Services Librarian Blair Hinson gives details. “All of your previous bookmarks should still work, since the library had vendors point their servers to the new home. Once you get there, you should find a much easier to use and space that is more inviting. All of the things you’ve come to expect are still there, access to your account, access to all our materials through the catalog, and many useful links, such as access to OverDrive, found on the Services page, Mango Languages, DISCUS databases through the South Carolina State Library, and more!” If you are not able to find something, or have suggestions on what the Oconee County Public Library’s new website is missing or what can be improve, let your local branch know. Check out the Oconee County Public Library’s new website at www.oconeelibrary.org.