OCPL to close April 18-20 for Training and Easter

The Oconee County Public Library will be closed on April 18 for system-wide staff training, and closed on April 19 and 20 for Easter. The Board of Trustees of the library system provides for four dates a year on which the libraries close to the public for staff training. This allows the staff to train as a group at one location so as to maximize resources, such as training provided by the South Carolina State Library. “Some of our branches open to the public at the same time that staff members report for work for the day,” stated Philip Cheney, OCPL Director. He went on to say, “While that allows us to be open more hours for public service, it limits the amount of time that staff can spend behind the scenes, training and learning new skills to better assist the public in a rapidly changing information environment.” Even though branches will be closed on those days, the library website, www.oconee.lib.sc.us, is always available. Patrons may sign into their accounts to renew items, place requests for materials, and download e-books and electronic audiobooks through OverDrive as well.