OJRSA Board Meeting This Afternoon

The Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority meets at 4:00pm this afternoon in their board room to swear in new members.

Larry Brandt, OJRSA Attorney will administer oaths of office to Brandon Burton, who replaces Lamar Bailes in Seat 5 for Walhalla. Scott Parris was reappointed by the Walhalla City Council to Seat 6; Brian Ramey takes Kevin Bronson’s Seat 7 for Westminster and Tally Grant was reappointed by the Walhalla City Councul to serve in Seat 9 for Walhalla and Westminster At-Large.

The Board will also recognize Lamar Bailes for his 49 years of service to the OJRSA.

The Board will adjourn to Executive Session to discuss a legal matter related to a nagging sewer problem – inflow and infiltration that was presented by the City of Seneca through its attorney in a letter dated November 9, 2021.

During Executive Session, the Board will also discuss a personnel matter regarding a contract for the Executive Director, according to their agenda.