Prep for merger of Fair-Oak and Oakway Intermediate Schools

This year marks the beginning of major changes for the Fair-Oak and Oakway Intermediate Schools in Oconee County. Renovations and construction are scheduled at Fair-Oak during the 2015-16 school year, explains Oconee County Schools Assistant Superintendent of Operations Steve Hanvey. “We are doing some construction work at Fair-Oak to expand some construction and renovation and that work won’t be completed until the spring of 2016, so while we won’t bring the schools fully together, we are going to work with the state Department of Education and hopefully by August we will have them as one school on paper. Through the state department’s eyes, this will allow data to begin being mergered. Right now at Fair-Oak, they have just the third grade data and then Oakway Intermediate has the fourth and fifth grade and it is now as easy for the state to do that. So, that will give us one report card, one waiver score, etc. That will put in line for what will happen when we do consolidate in the 2016-17 school year with a new addition and renovation at Fair-Oak.” In the fall of 2016, fourth and fifth graders presently housed at Oakway Intermediate will move to the renovated Fair-Oak facility. A new gym, cafeteria and classrooms will be added. In addition, a secure office area and entrance, art, music and media center will be renovated in the current building. In 2016, Fair-Oak Elementary School will be home to Pre-K through fifth grade students.