President Trump Draws Massive Crowd to Pickens

Former President Donald Trump spoke at the Pickens Independence Day Spectacular on Saturday, an event organized by the Pickens County Republican Party. Trump, who won 75 percent of the votes in Pickens County in 2020, is the leading Republican presidential candidate for 2024. The crowd cheered and chanted for Trump, who flew over the crowd in Trump Force One just before the event started, and spoke for over an hour…

US Senator Lindsey Graham, who introduced and endorsed Trump, faced loud boos and jeers from the crowd, who called him a “traitor” and a “RINO” …

Graham tried to win them over by highlighting his role in confirming conservative judges and urging them to unite behind Trump and the GOP. He later said he was not bothered by the boos.

An estimated 75,000 supporters showed up to the rally. Other speakers included Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, Governor Henry McMaster, and Lt. Governor Pamela Evette.