PSC Sets Dates for Hearings on Duke Energy’s Requested Rate Hikes

On Thursday, the Public Service Commission issued a notice outlining the schedule for forthcoming hearings. These hearings will decide if Duke Energy is permitted to adjust its electricity rates. Duke Energy had previously requested state officials earlier this year to approve a rate hike. This increase in rates is intended to fund future projects and minimize power outages during extreme weather conditions.

The public can express their views on the proposed changes at hearings in our area on April 16, 2024: Seneca High School Auditorium, 100 Bobcat Ridge, Seneca and on April 22, 2024: Anderson County Council Chambers, 101 South Main Street, Anderson.

After these public hearings, the commission will consider Duke Energy’s rate change request on May 20.

Customers can participate in the hearing at 101 Executive Center Drive, Columbia, watch it live online, or dial 1-877-312-2531 with access code 2306 156 7308 to listen in. Those who wish to comment on the rate changes can submit a letter of protest or a petition to intervene.