Public Input needed on OC Economic Development

For the last several months, the Oconee County Economic Development Commission has been working towards the formulation of a new five-year economic development strategy that will help guide future growth for Oconee County. One final key aspect is to gather public input via a survey. Richard Blackwell, executive director of the Oconee County Economic Development Commission gives details. “This survey only takes a few minutes to complete but by doing so, it helps set the tone for Oconee’s new five-year economic development strategy.  Mr. Kyle Talente, consultant with RKG Associates Inc., designed the survey as part of his process in creating a new economic development strategy for Oconee County. Along with this public input survey, there has been over 30 one-on-one meetings with key community stakeholders, community tours, data collection, target industry analysis and numerous other meetings conducted to help mold an appropriate direction for the economic development team.” By going to the homepage of the Oconee County Economic Development Commission’s website,, you will find the link for the survey positioned halfway down the web page.  Under the “EDC Meetings” information block is where to access the survey as it is labeled, “EDC Public Input Survey.” The deadline for completion of the survey is December 14.