Rain postpones filming in Seneca

Rain has postponed filming of a feature film on Ram Cat Alley in downtown Seneca.  The romantic Southern comedy ‘Elbow Grease’ plans to film its street festival scene on Wednesday, explains Seneca Events Coordinator Riley Johnson.  “The rain came in and we were expecting a down pour, so what the movie cast decided to do is postpone the shooting until Wednesday.  Therefore, what we are going to do is close Ram Cat Alley from 8pm Tuesday until 8pm on Wednesday.  We will be on site with the movie folks; they will be setting up tents and extras.  The filming will start on Wednesday and continue all day long.” The City of Seneca encourages downtown businesses to be open on Wednesday during filming and Johnson says the city will be accommodating patrons.  “We’ve got Lt. Brian Sheriff heading up any transportation, so if you have a customer or patient or anybody that needs to get to your business on Ram Cat Alley, Lt. Brian Sheriff is going to be riding around the Ram Cat Alley area, so if anybody needs to park he will transport them into Ram Cat Alley.  If you have customers that want to come down and visit your business, he will be able to take them on a golf cart from their car right up to the front door, so any parking issues we are going to take care of that.” Ram Cat Alley and one side of the parking lot behind Buchanan Park will be blocked from Tuesday night at 8pm thru Wednesday night at 8pm.  The City of Seneca thanks the community in advance for its efforts in showing southern hospitality and courtesy to the production crew as they work.