Ram Cat Alley Streetscape being lit with LEDs

Crews are hard at work hanging LED lights along Ram Cat Alley in downtown Seneca. The lighting atop the edge of buildings portrays the city’s streetscape. Seneca Utilities Director Bob Faires gives details. “Well we’ve started putting those up. Our Maintenance Department is doing that and doing a fine job. So, they are going to be continuing, hopefully if the weather stays nice we can get the job completed in a couple of weeks. So, looking forward to that being done and accomplished. Maintenance Department staff learned from a previous contractor how to perform the LED lights installation, adds Faires. “We used to have lights up there but the way they were attached and the way they were put up previously it wasn’t something that worked very well but when they were up there it did give somewhat of a festive atmosphere. The mayor found a company a couple of years ago that had done things like this before, we had a contract with them but they were not able to fulfill it. We have learned basically what they did and what they do and actually visited with them and got the materials from them. So, they taught us how to do it. So, we passed it on to the guys and so we are moving forward with what a contractor would normally do for us. So, we are just doing it in house.” Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander is excited to see the lights returning. “I’m looking forward to seeing that done, that is going to be real pretty. I know the businesses are looking forward to it coming back because we had them at one time but we had to take them down and redo it a little bit.” Thanks again to the Seneca Maintenance Department for making Ram Cat Alley a brighter place for Jazz on the Alley and all the businesses there.