Ravenel claims Graham in Double Jeopardy on Obamacare

In light of this week’s U.S. Court of Appeals ruling on Obamacare, Lowcountry businessman and independent U.S. Senate candidate Thomas Ravenel issued the following statement regarding incumbent “Republican” Lindsey Graham’s tortured stance regarding this legislation. “The U.S. Court of Appeals has correctly ruled that Obamacare cannot impose taxes or disburse subsidies in two-thirds of the states,” Ravenel said. “This frees more than eight million Americans from the law’s oppressive individual mandate – and blocks for the moment what would have been a $700 billion tax hike.” Ravenel said the only reason the court has to take up the law is “Republican” lawmakers like Graham lacked the “stones” to defund it. “Lindsey Graham had a chance to get rid of Obamacare altogether – but he folded like a cheap suit,” Ravenel added. “Tim Scott refused to vote for a budget that funded Obamacare, but Lindsey Graham joined Harry Reid and John McCain in supporting it. Not only that, Lindsey Graham was one of only five so-called ‘Republican’ Senators who confirmed both Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, two liberal Supreme Court Justices who will ultimately decide whether to uphold or strike down this ruling,” Ravenel said. “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, give me forty-one votes and I would still be filibustering those nominees. Lindsey Graham opposes Obamacare like a moth opposes a flame,” Ravenel concluded. “But the taxpayers are the ones getting burned. Make no mistake: If the Supreme Court permits this $700 billion tax hike to move forward, South Carolinians will have no one to blame for it but Lindsey Graham.”