Ribbon Cutting and Open House planned for new Walhalla High

An open house and ribbon cutting ceremony for the new Walhalla High School at 4701 North Highway 11 in Walhalla is planned for Monday, explains Oconee County Schools Assistant Superintendent of Operations Steve Hanvey. “We want to let folks know that we getting ready to do a ribbon cutting/open house for the new Walhalla High School. We’ve had a lot of people express interest in touring the school and visiting the school, so we are going to do that on Monday, June 8. The ribbon cutting will be at 5pm and then the school will be open from 5-6:30pm. We will have some folks helping with tours but the public is welcome to attend and check out the new Walhalla High School.” With over 260,000 square feet of space, including over 60 classrooms, the new school is built to house up to 1,300 students. The building also features a gymnasium with the capacity to hold 2,000 people, a 750-seat auditorium, an auxiliary gym with seating for 350, a multi-purpose room for athletic practices, 5 computer labs, a spacious media center that includes a conference room and computer lab, cafeteria area with an enclosed courtyard, and a large commons area.