Santa’s Workshop this Saturday in Seneca

This Saturday, Santa will host a workshop on Ram Cat Alley in downtown Seneca featuring events for kids of all ages.  Seneca Assistant Events Coordinator and Museum Assistant Mollie Smith gives details.  “We do have Santa coming and we are doing free pictures with Santa.  We are also going to have Lowe’s coming and they are setting up a workshop booth to do crafts with the kids.  We will have hot chocolate, cookies and all kinds of little snacks for the kids.  The main thing is Santa.  Train rides for all the kids will be at the old Bergens building and going through Main Street.  We also have the Toys Cruise-in from 4-7pm, so bring any unwrapped toy for a child 4-12 years of age.”  The Toys Cruise-in is from 4-7pm and Santa’s Workshop is from 5-8pm this Saturday in downtown Seneca.