SDOC Closely Monitoring Weather

The School District of Oconee County is closely monitoring the weather situation for Thursday, March 18th. As of Wednesday, the plan is for schools to operate on a normal schedule for Thursday, March 18th. We will continue to monitor weather developments and communicate any change in that plan as soon as the decision is made. Please be aware that with the possibility of bad weather, buses could be delayed picking up or dropping off students on Thursday.
We are keenly aware of the trauma caused to many students, staff members and the community with the devastating tornado that went through Seneca last April. For the majority of our students, the safest place for them to be during severe weather is in our buildings. However, if any family feels that sending their student to school is not the best choice for their family, absences will be excused with a note submitted to the school upon return.
Announcement of any change to the above plan will be made through the following outlets:
• SDOC and school websites (immediate posting with up to date information)
• School Messenger Call System (delivered to parents & staff via phone, email or text)
• Radio (WGOG–101.7FM, The Lake 94.1)
• Local TV (WYFF-4, WSPA-7, WHNS-21)
• Twitter @OconeeSC_school
• Facebook – School District of Oconee County