SDOC offering Form to report Bullying

In a proactive step against bullying, the School District of Oconee County now offers a form on its website, explains Assistant Superintendent of Operations Steve Hanvey. “We know often times, our students and parents don’t feel comfortable, they feel like somebody is going to try to get back at them if they find out they are the ones that turned them in and those kinds of things. So, it is an opportunity for folks to send us information and let us know about certain situations and circumstances, who don’t feel comfortable maybe reporting it to someone directly at the school level.” Hanvey encourages students and parents to report bullying. “I do encourage all our students and parents to let someone know and understand that we can’t help you if we don’t know what is going on. We want to help and we want to do all we can to put an end to the bullying, but if we don’t know about it, we can’t help. Please don’t think it will be held against you or your child, we just need the information, so we can begin to do our investigation like our policy calls for and make sure that if those allegations are true, we are dealing with them as quickly and swiftly as we can.” The form is available in the “Parents” link on the school district’s website at