SDOC reports Day 10 Enrollment Numbers

Tuesday marked the tenth day of classes in the School District of Oconee County. On the tenth day every school year, enrollment numbers are taken to compare with previous years, explains Oconee County Schools Assistant Superintendent of Operations Steve Hanvey. “Walhalla High was dead on 1,000 on the tenth day, which is up from last year on the tenth day, they were at 986. We prepared some information for our board, they asked for it at our next meeting. We looked at the 2014-15 tenth day enrollments as compared to this year’s tenth day enrollment. We have seen some schools with increases and we have seen a couple of schools with decreases. West-Oak Middle went to 636 students and they have a very small sixth grade class and we knew that the sixth grade class moving up was much smaller than the eighth grade class they were sending on to West-Oak High, so we knew they would loose some there. Tamassee-Salem is down from 300 on the tenth day last year to 251, which is a 14% drop. Now they did end the school year at 275, so it is not as big a drop from the end of the school year but we are comparing ten day numbers. Districtwide we are down just 29 students from where we were this time last year, so we are pretty stead with what we’ve got close to 10,500.” Updated enrollment numbers are shared with the Board of Trustees after the 45 and the 135 days.