SDOC still fighting the Flu

The fight continues in the School District of Oconee County (SDOC). Schools are fighting the flu and Assistant Superintendent of Operations Steve Hanvey encourages parents to keep sick kids at home. “We continue to see our numbers higher than normal for absences for both students and staff. It has kind of gone in different areas. We’ve got a couple of elementary schools that two weeks ago were hit really hard; we’ve got a couple of different ones now; the middle and high schools have also seen an increase in their number of absences for students and staff as well. We continue to work with our custodial staff and remind teachers to do extra cleaning. We are trying to get the high traffic areas like water fountains and door knobs where a lot of things can be passed along. We encourage families to again, if your child is sick and has a fever, please keep them home until that subsided for 24-hours. We will work with you and your child to get the work made up, so we would rather you keep them home and get them well than send them and rick getting other folks sick. So, we continue to battle and hopefully we’ll get on the down swing of it soon but we are just get close to hitting peak flu time and if it gets worse we’re going to have a difficult time.” The SDOC is taking precautions as far as cleaning to ensure that schools are as safe as possible against spreading the flu.