SDOC will continue to require masks according to the current guidelines

On Wednesday, April 28th, Governor McMaster made a statement regarding students no longer being required to wear masks in schools.  He expressly stated that he felt the decision on wearing masks should no longer be mandated by a school district; that the decision should be up to the parents. It is important to note that this statement was not followed by an executive order implementing the ideas he expressed.  

As of Thursday, April 29th, the South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) has not rescinded their Face Covering Guidelines for K-12 Public Schools which require masks to be worn on school buses and in school facilities.  As a district, we must comply with the SCDE’s guidelines.  For now, masks will continue to be required according to the guidelines that have been in place all school year.  However, effective immediately, masks will be optional for all SDOC-sponsored outdoor activities.  Please be aware if attending outside events at schools outside our district, masks may still be required.

With that being said, district leadership has discussed the possibility of relaxing mask requirements.  Those discussions have focused on the importance of keeping kids in face-to-face instruction through the upcoming testing period so that schools have accurate data to assess student learning and identify areas of deficiency.   

Dr. Thorsland said, “With the availability of the vaccine and with case numbers dropping, many people feel now is the time to eliminate masks in general, and particularly in schools.  We understand that but also know the importance of the upcoming testing for students.  This assessment data is vital as our schools and teachers work to overcome the learning loss that has occurred during the pandemic. The best way for us to ensure as many students as possible participate in that testing is to continue to require masks until after testing finishes.  Of course, if we receive updated guidelines from the state department or if the governor signs an executive order, we will certainly comply but for now we are going to stay the course with our current mask guidelines.”