Search underway for Site of New Seneca Middle School

The search is now underway for a site to build a new Seneca Middle School, explains Oconee County Schools Assistant Superintendent of Operations Steve Hanvey. “We are beginning that process because it takes a while to acquire property but we would like to look at three or four options. We need about 40 acres that is some what centralized in the Seneca area between the three elementary schools and in decent range of Seneca High. So, that is not as easy tract to find and we are going to start narrowing that search down in the next few weeks. We would like to be able to go the board and say here are some options for you to consider. Hopefully by the end of the summer have something lined up so we would have a good idea because we could also maybe with our budget do some site work there and prepare for it. We know that after we finish up with the new Career Center that the next one in line is Seneca Middle and it is definitely needed. We just want to make sure that we get that going in a timely manner. That is something we are going to begin, it is not a quick process it takes a little time and we will work with our school board on potential options, they will do some site visits and we hope to have a decision by the end of the summer or beginning of next school year to go ahead and know where we are going to purchase property for a new Seneca Middle School.” After a site is selected, the Board of Trustees for the School District of Oconee County will put the new school construction project out to bid and choose a company to perform the work.