Sen. Alexander sensitive to Flag after Charleston Shootings

State Senator Thomas Alexander supports future discussions on removing the Confederate Flag from the Statehouse but said now thoughts and prayers should be with the victims of the Charleston church shootings. “First and foremost, we continue to be in a time of mourning for all of the victims and especially Senator Clementa Pinckney. So the discussions should be for another day and time but what we did this week in Columbia was to vote to allow that discussion within a timely manner. I think it is important for us to have that discussion but I supported the compromise that we currently have and think we should evaluate any future proposals at that particular time. I’m sensitive, I think that the victims and the families of the victims of Charleston has been an example for us of God’s grace, mercy, love and forgiveness and the people of Charleston have also demonstrated a great example for us.” South Carolina lawmakers voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to consider removing the Confederate Flag from the Statehouse grounds.