Seneca City Council Hears First Readings of Ordinances; Santa Adds Extra Visits to Downtown

Seneca City Council met last night for their first regular meeting of the month. The council heard the first reading of ordinances for business licenses and for peddlers, solicitors, and vendors, and a resolution to adopt the Anderson and Oconee County Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan update…

The next Seneca City Council meeting is Tuesday, December 19th at 6:00pm in Council Chambers at City Hall.

Santa hated to disappoint the children of Seneca by cancelling his visit last weekend due to inclement weather, so he rescheduled for special visits this week! He was here with Buddy the Elf on Monday night, but you have more chances to visit with him later this week if you missed him.

The festivities will resume in full swing from Thursday to Saturday, December 14th, 15th, and 16th, when all activities will be available again, offering train and fire truck rides, a S’mores Pit, free hot chocolate, and visits with Santa and Buddy the Elf. Please note that all events are weather permitting.

Also, today, December 13th, is the last day to submit your entry for Seneca’s annual “Down Gingerbread Lane” competition. This year’s theme is Winter Wonderland. Open to all ages, participants can enter in children, teens, adults, or group categories. There is no entry fee. Winners will be announced on Thursday, December 14th at Jazzy Christmas on the Alley.

For more info, visit the city’s website or call (864) 885-2700.