Seneca City Council Meeting Tuesday

The City Council of Seneca will hold a regular scheduled meeting on Tuesday, August 8, 2023, at 6:00 PM at the City Hall Council Chambers. The meeting will start with some recognitions and ceremonies by Mayor Dan Alexander. The mayor will present an Electric Department Safety Award and conduct a Fire Department Officer Promotion Pinning Ceremony.

The meeting will continue with a public hearing on an ordinance to close and abandon some right-of-way and transfer some real property of the city.

The public can comment on any topic, but they have to sign in and limit their speech to five minutes. The council will approve the minutes of previous meetings and vote on several ordinances related to annexation, zoning, and right-of-way abandonment.

The city administrator, Scott Moulder, will introduce a new auditor for the city. The council will also go into executive session to discuss a legal matter regarding the fire contract with Oconee County and a personnel matter regarding the Planning Commission appointment.

The full agenda can be viewed on the city’s website. The public is encouraged to attend.