Seneca Lions Club appoints New Officers

New officers take the lead of the Seneca Lions Club. On June 24, the club met at the International Deli for dinner and the installation of new officers to serve terms from July 2014 to June 2015. Seneca Lions Club publicity chair Jim Atkinson gives details. “Vic Holley is the new president, Bobbie Smith moves to first vice president, I am the new second vice president and Mark Davidson is third vice president.” The club officers also consist of a secretary, a treasurer, Lion Tamer, Tail Twister, and four directors. The mission of the Seneca Lions Club is hearing and sight conservation. Atkinson gives an update on Seneca Lions Club glasses chair Ed McCann’s progress so far this year. “He has already bought 71 for people here in the city. He says he has 9 approved and 37 awaiting approval. So he feels he is on target this year.” Last year the Seneca Lions Club set a record by purchasing over 120 pairs of glasses for needy people in the community.