Seneca Looks at Sewer Impact and Tap Fees

Seneca City Council met Tuesday night for a work session and special called meeting. One item of note on their agenda was discussion about raising the city’s sewer impact and tap fees for new customers. Here’s city administrator Scott Moulder with more…

Seneca City Council also previewed rules for the upcoming Seneca Dog Park. The park will open once a sign with rules is installed, and an ordinance for these rules will be considered on March 12. The rules include restrictions on park hours, dog owner age, dog size, and prohibited items. Violations may result in a fine up to $500 per offense. The park, at 505 Quincy Road, was developed with community support and grants.

Tuesday’s meeting was also the final one for Planning and Development Director Ed Halbig, who is moving on to New Mexico for a new job there with the State. He was thanked and congratulated by Mayor Dan Alexander, Mayor Pro-Tem Ronnie O’Kelley, and the City Council as a whole…

We wish him well in his new endeavor.