Seneca Police Officer saves Student from choking

sstross-800-1Sergeant Ross Ragsdale of the Seneca Police Department is being hailed as a hero for saving a student from choking on Thursday. While having lunch at Alazan Mexican Grill, Sgt. Ragsdale spotted a Seneca High School student who was choking at a nearby table. Sgt. Ragsdale performed the Heimlich maneuver on the student and cleared his throat from whatever he was choking on previously. Then Sgt. Ragsdale escorted him to the bathroom to ensure he was okay. Amanda Jo Kalchthaler, the boy’s older sister, said, “Just a few minutes ago my little brother and I were at Alazan Mexican in Seneca grabbing some lunch before he had to go back to school. All of a sudden he started to turn red, he was choking. By the grace of God a table full of Seneca Police Officers had just sat down not even 5 minutes prior and immediately all jumped to his aid and one grabbed him and started the Heimlich maneuver clearing what was choking him. They then accompanied him to the restroom to make sure he was ok. After I calmed down I tried to buy their lunch but the absolutely refused to let me do so because “that’s what we are here for”. Y’all are my heros and I don’t know what would have happened if y’all were not there. Thank you again so much and thank you for all you do!”