Seneca Rotarian of the Year and Paul Harris Fellow Award Recipients

On June 25, the Seneca Rotary Club held their End of Year banquet at Cross Creek Plantation and two prestigious awards were given out. Seneca Rotary Club President Eric Cope and President Elect Debbie DuBose presented Rotarian Danielle Leeper with the Paul Harris Fellow Award, which acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. It is one of the most prestigious awards in Rotary and is named after the founder of Rotary, Paul Harris. Leeper received this recognition for her leadership and commitment to the Seneca Rotary Club and is the perfect example of Rotary’s motto “Service Above Self.” Paul Harris Fellow Awards were also presented to the spouses of three Rotarians. Eric Cope, Lowell Macher, and Steve Bahan honored their wives Marcie Cope, Jennifer McQuillen, and Lynn Bahan for their personal involvement in the community and loyalty to the Seneca Rotary Club. In addition, Seneca Rotary Club President Eric Cope presented Mike Wallace with the 2014-2015 Rotarian of the Year award. Wallace received this award for his outstanding loyalty and dedication to the club through committee and fundraising efforts. Because of his extraordinary leadership through the club’s annual Poker Run event, $12,000 was raised to support local charities in Oconee County. That’s a 20% raise from the year before. Wallace also spearheaded the Community Grants Committee that encourages private community organizations to apply for a Seneca Rotary Club grant.