Seneca schedules Two Power Outages

The City of Seneca has scheduled two power outages this week so crews can work on the electrical system, explains Seneca Utilities Director Bob Faires. “Our crew and the contractor crew will be doing the final maintenance and configuration for the improved substation on Goddard Avenue. So, it’s just finishing up the construction side.” Faires gives the time and those affected by tonight’s power outage. “Tonight, Tuesday, June 9, 2015 at midnight and it should go for a couple of hours. It is going to be at our substation located off Goddard Avenue. It will affect customers on our system, as a general rule, that are south of the railroad tracks in addition to that the folks that are north of the railroad tracks down Old Salem Road then to the east of that down U.S. 123. We have sent out electronic messages to those customers.” The second outage takes place at midnight Sunday. This outage will affect the downtown and by-pass areas served by Seneca Light and Water.