Seneca wants more Seats on OJRSA
Seneca wants more seats on the Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority Board. Representation on that board is based on the percentage of customers, explains Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander. “On the Board we have four seats now and in the bylaws it states that the amount of flow determines the number of seats. We have 63% of the customers or the operational cost of that facility, so we feel we are entitled to more seats. We have made a formal request for that and feel like it is in the best interest of the City of Seneca to have that representation on that Board.” With 63% of the customers, the City is entitled to two more seats. The cities of Walhalla and Westminster have two seats each. The board also includes two at-large members representing the unincorporated areas of the county. Mayor Alexander has formally asked that the issue be placed on the agenda for the Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority’s next meeting.