SHS hosting Powder Puff 2013, Playing for a Cause

The community is invited to Coach Tom Bass Field at Bobcat Stadium on Monday night for the annual Seneca High School Powder Puff Game.  Seneca High School Guidance Director Karen Trammell said this year they will be playing for a cause.  “All our girls love to play football and that is they’re chance to get on the field and show what they can do on the field.  It is pretty neat event this year, each group or each grade is going to sponsor and try to highlight a certain area.  The seniors are going to wear pink in support breast cancer awareness, juniors and freshmen will wear yellow in support of our military and the sophomores will wear blue in support of human trafficking  awareness.” Two games are planned for Monday night, Nov. 25 starting at 6:30pm.  Concessions will feature popcorn and hot chocolate with a portion of the proceeds going to SAFEHARBOR.  Admission is $3.