Sixth Annual State of Oconee Luncheon

Economic development will be the topic of this year’s State of Oconee luncheon, explains Jillian Lusk, Executive Director of the Oconee County Chamber of Commerce.  “This is one of our most exciting events of the year.  This is our sixth annual State of Oconee and basically it’s to get together the community leaders and any individuals who are interested in what our county is doing on an economic development standpoint.  Where we are going and just talk about our future, what things we need to work on and what things we need to celebrate with some of the huge successes we have had.” Lusk says this year’s speakers represent business, state and local government, and education. “This year’s event features five speakers addressing the economic development challenges facing Oconee County and celebrating recent successes: Richard Blackwell, Executive Director of the Oconee Economic Alliance, will discuss recent accomplishments and goals for Oconee County. John Lummus, Vice President of Economic and Industrial Advancement at Tri-County Technical College, will address the role education plays in providing a work-ready labor force for new and expanding businesses and industries. Elmore Henry, a principal in the Sanctuary Point Resort project, will give an update on plans for the resort, which is located in southern Oconee County on Lake Hartwell. Scott Batson, Site Vice President for the Duke Energy Oconee Nuclear Station, will discuss Duke Energy’s plans.  Allison Skipper, Director of Marketing and Communications for the South Carolina Department of Commerce, will cover economic development in South Carolina and how Oconee County fits into the state’s efforts.” The county’s three Chambers of Commerce sponsor the annual State of Oconee and tickets are reasonable, concludes Lusk.  “We tried to keep the price pretty reasonable, so people could get in, its $25 and you can purchase tickets at all three Chambers.  This is actually a collaborative effort between the Westminster Chamber, the Walhalla Chamber and of course the Oconee County Chamber, so all three of those locations will be selling tickets in the office.” The sixth annual State of Oconee is open to the public and will be held at 11:30am on February 21 in the cafeteria of Blue Ridge Elementary School at 995 South Oak Street in Seneca.