Strickland Museum almost finished outside

Motorists in downtown Seneca are encouraged to drive by the new Bertha Lee Strickland Cultural Museum on West South 2nd Street. “It’s a gorgeous looking place; if you haven’t driven by I encourage everyone to do so to see how beautiful it is.” Lunney House Museum curator and director Dr. John Martin is assisting in the Seneca City Museum project to build a local African-American history and heritage museum. In February, Trehel started construction on the two white buildings connected by a back patio for the museum, continues Dr. Martin. “The structure is complete; perhaps 90-95% and now we go into the refinement of the structure, refinement of the interior and the actual creation of archives, that’s the next big step.” You too can be a part of the Bertha Lee Strickland Cultural Museum by submitting pictures and stories on the local culture. Call Strickland House Manager Shelby Henderson at Seneca City Hall at 864-885-2700.