Study links SIDS to Sofas

A new study says the mysterious phenomenon known as Crib Death does not necessarily happen only in babies cribs. About one in eight cases of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome involves babies who have been placed on sofas. The team led by Dr. Jeffrey Colvin, of Children’s Mercy Hospital, found infants placed face-down on couches are likelier to suffocate in the soft cushions. “It becomes very easy for the infant to get their face wedged up against a pillow or the area where the back cushions meet the seat cushions and there by suffocate.” Dr. Colvin said the study also uncovered several misconceptions. “There is a common misconception that vigilance of a parent will protect their child from SIDS and that is simple not the case.” Dr. Colvin said it is very important that infants sleep alone and not with parents. “They feel that if they are sleeping next to their child, then their child will be safe and protected against SIDS; in fact, it is actually a risk factor.” Parents are urged to practice the A-B-Cs of infant sleep, concludes Dr. Colvin. “Infants should always sleep alone, on their back and in a crib.” The study examined nearly 8,000 crib deaths in 24 states.