Summer Reading Program winding down in OCPL

The Summer Reading Program is winding down at the Oconee County Public Library (OCPL). The goal of this year’s program was to get residents to exercise mind and body this summer, explains OCPL Branch Services Librarian Blair Hinson. “It is going very well. We are up over registrations from last year. The programs have been well attended and the libraries are staying busy. We have a lot of people finishing up, we’re actually running out of some of the prizes, so if you are getting close to finishing, finish on up and get in, we are not going to run out of everything but some of our prizes are first come first served. Of course, you still have a chance to get in for the grand prize. The Summer Reading Program will end on July 29 and people can turn in their reading logs up to Aug. 5 to get in on the drawings for the grand prizes for the various ages.” To learn more about the Summer Reading Program at the OCPL, visit their website at