Today is Earth Day!

Celebrated annually since 1970, today is Earth Day, a day dedicated to raising environmental awareness and promoting positive change. In South Carolina, the Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) encourages residents to actively preserve the state’s natural resources. Myra Reece, the agency’s director of environmental affairs, emphasizes that DHEC staff are not just regulators, but passionate environmentalists committed to ensuring clean air, water, land, and coastal resources for future generations.

The agency suggests several lifestyle changes for an eco-friendlier approach, such as switching to online billing, recycling and reusing items, proper disposal of batteries and hazardous substances, reducing food waste, composting, smart gardening, and limiting water use. Other suggestions include biking, walking, using public transportation, and considering hybrid or electric vehicles and lawn equipment.

Local conservation organizations offer further involvement opportunities. The Breathe Better (B2) campaign promotes clean air, while Adopt-a-Stream and Adopt-a-Beach programs focus on waterway cleanliness. Friends of Jocassee, Inc., and Friends of Lake Keowee Society (FOLKS) are dedicated to lake conservation. Land-based conservation efforts are supported by Clemson Extension offices and the Keep Oconee Beautiful Association (KOBA), which focuses on litter elimination. Teachers can apply for grant funding through DHEC’s Champions of the Environment program for environment-inspired classroom projects.