Westminster City Council Meets Tomorrow Night

Westminster City Council will meet at 6:00pm tomorrow night at the Depot on East Main Street for their regularly scheduled meeting.

On their agenda, the first item of new business is the formal acceptance of the recent resignation of Rusty Cater from the City Council, and the declaration of a vacant seat open for unfulfilled terms. At a meeting held on January 19th, the Council accepted the resignations of Brad Chastain and Danny Duncan from the Council. Voters in Westminster will now have to participate in a special election this spring to fill those seats.

Prior to adjourning tomorrow night’s meeting, which is open to the public, the Council plans to move to Executive Session to discuss contractual arrangements, proposed sale or purchase of property and receipt of legal advice related to matters covered by attorney-client privilege, as well as discussion of potential contractual matters with the Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority.