Flu Prevention Tips

As the country deals with an escalating number of influenza cases, health officials continue to remind the public about washing hands and avoiding contact with infected people.  However, this time of year area residents are fighting more than just the flu. “We’ve had a record flu season this year, it hasn’t been this bad in close to a decade or […]

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TCTC helping Small Businesses start-up

Help is available to small business owners in the Upstate of South Carolina.  Through a partnership, Tri-County Technical College is offering classes to help small business owners succeed. “We have an excellent Small Business Start-up Program.  We work closely with SCORE, the Clemson Small Business Development Center and Mountain Lakes Business Development Corporation.  We work together and offer a three-hour […]

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OCC schedules Public Hearing on Zonings

The Oconee County Council will hold a public hearing on ordinances  to amend zoning of the Oconee County Code of Ordinances on February 19 at 6pm in Council Chambers of the Oconee County Administrative Offices on South Pine Street in Walhalla. Citizens wishing to speak regarding these ordinances may do so by signing up at the meeting.  Written comments may be submitted at […]

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Carolina Foothills Heritage Fair Scholarships Available

Applications for scholarships to promote agricultural education are currently being accepted by the Board of the Carolina Foothills Heritage Fair. Each year the organization awards scholarships to groups that provide education and training to young people studying for a future in an agricultural career. Funds are used for special projects, workshops or camps. Scholarship requests from interested organizations may be […]

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Trustees honored with Clemson Medallion

Clemson University is honoring two long-serving trustees, Thomas McTeer Jr. of Columbia and Joseph Swann of Greenville, with the university’s highest public honor, the Clemson Medallion. The Clemson Medallion is presented to individuals who have rendered notable and significant service and support to Clemson University and who exemplify the dedication and foresight of university founder Thomas Green Clemson. The Clemson […]

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Two killed in Pickens County Accident

Two people were killed in an accident Wednesday night in Pickens County.  Authorities report the accident happened on Raines Road around 9pm.  According to Lance Corporal Bill Rhyne of the South Carolina Highway Patrol, two people were traveling east in a 1997 Oldsmobile sport utility vehicle, and the vehicle went off one side of the road. The driver then over […]

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One killed on SC Roads over Weekend

The South Carolina Department of Public Safety announces one person was killed on state roads and highways from Friday, January 18, at 6pm until Sunday, January 20, at midnight. As of January 20, 28 people have died on South Carolina highways, compared to 49 highway deaths in this same time period in 2012.  Oconee County has yet to experience a […]

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Hospital Readmissions of Older Patients

Heart attack, heart failure and pneumonia, three common conditions that often lead to hospitalizatons for older patients. But what happens to these patients after they are discharged from the hospital? A new study examined the frequency, reason for and timing of rehospitalizations occurring within 30 days of hospital discharge.  “The reasons they were initially admitted to the hospital were commonly […]

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Survey on Best Job Perks

What are the best job perks? Senior Career Advisor for Careerbuilder.com Mike Erwin says the website did a survey, asking workers what perks would keep them at their current jobs. “The vast majority, 88%, said that salary is most important.” Quit working at lunchtime on Friday is the favorite perk according to the survey, explains Erwin. “Those half day Fridays […]

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WCA elects New Officers

Nancy Carter returns as president of the Walhalla Civic Auditorium. At this week’s membership meeting, officers were elected for two-year terms. Carter will be joined by Kris Butts, who was named vice president and president-elect. Shelia Galloway will serve as board treasurer and Francoise Fussel returns as secretary.  This year, the Walhalla Civic Auditorium celebrates 10 years as a concert […]

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